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Chamber of Small Scale Mining Industries Sends Rebuttal on State of Emmergency on Galamsey.

Chamber of Small Scale Mining Industries Sends Rebuttal on State of Emmergency on Galamsey.

The Chamber of Small Scale Mining Industries, representing the interests of legitimate small-scale miners across the country, wishes to address the recent statement issued by Organised Labour, led by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), regarding the galamsey (illegal mining) crisis. While we recognize the severity of the illegal mining menace and its impact on Ghana’s environment and communities, we believe that it is crucial to differentiate between lawful small-scale miners and illegal operators to ensure fairness and accuracy in public discourse.

1. Lawful Small-Scale Mining vs. Galamsey

It is essential to clarify that lawful small-scale miners operate under strict regulations set by the Minerals Commission and other relevant authorities. These miners play a vital role in Ghana's economy, providing livelihoods for many Ghanaians and contributing to the country’s gold production. Galamsey operators, on the other hand, are illegal miners who act outside the framework of the law and cause the environmental destruction highlighted in the TUC’s statement. Conflating the two groups undermines the efforts of responsible miners who are committed to sustainable mining practices.

2. Impact of a Nationwide Ban on Mining Activities

The TUC’s call for a blanket halt on all mining activities in forest reserves and other affected areas fails to account for the lawful operators who comply with environmental regulations. A blanket ban would not only affect illegal operators but would also unfairly punish responsible small-scale miners and their dependents. Such a move would result in significant job losses, increased poverty, and the collapse of small businesses tied to the mining sector. A more nuanced approach is necessary, focusing on enforcing existing laws and differentiating between illegal and legal operations.

3. Deployment of the Military

The Chamber supports the use of appropriate security measures to clamp down on galamsey activities, but we caution against broad militarization in mining areas, which could inadvertently target lawful miners. We recommend a targeted approach, where military personnel collaborate with local mining associations, environmental agencies, and community leaders to identify illegal operations while protecting the rights of legitimate miners.

4. Environmental Degradation and Solutions

We acknowledge the serious environmental degradation caused by illegal mining, particularly the destruction of rivers and farmlands. However, we believe that the solution lies not in the halting of all mining activities but in strengthening law enforcement, providing technical support to legal small-scale miners to adopt environmentally friendly practices, and engaging in continuous community education on the importance of sustainable mining.

5. Collaboration with the Government and Stakeholders

The Chamber is open to working with the government, Organised Labour, and other stakeholders to address the galamsey crisis. We propose the establishment of a joint task force made up of representatives from the government, mining associations, environmental agencies, and the military. This task force would be responsible for conducting thorough assessments in affected areas, shutting down illegal mining operations, and ensuring that legal miners adhere to best practices.

In conclusion, while we understand the concerns raised by the TUC, we urge caution in implementing sweeping measures that may inadvertently harm legal mining operations and livelihoods. The Chamber stands ready to collaborate with all stakeholders to find balanced and sustainable solutions that protect the environment while supporting responsible small-scale miners.


Baffour Asare Yamoah


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