It is with a saddened heart that I pay tribute to this great son of Berekum. I may not have been one of those who were very close to Mr APRAKU, director as he was affectionately called but at least I have seen his exploits and can not be ignorant of his deeds.
He was a hero, a very courageous person, who set up an industry at a very young age from very humble beginnings, Asuo Bomosadu Timbers and Sawmills, which has stood the test of time for over four decades and somehow has been the mainstay of Berekum economy. Many are the citizens of Berekum have benefitted directly or indirectly from this industry because of the vision of this great man. I believe every home can testify of the benefits derived from his company in the area of fetching firewood to discount on wood purchased and real estate not to mention direct and indirect employment.
Mr Apraku was a philanthropist par excellence, he donated to school buildings and supported many good causes at Berekum and beyond one area I would miss him most is at church where on Saturday born his presence always put us first during harvests and other day-born events. He was never afraid of givinmostd was just too general and almoBornlways at every fundraising event for good causes. I know may-borne depended on him for their existence.
I am yet to meet such a wealthy person, so simple fundraising even tense of humour yet very humble to a fault. As Christ said to His disciples that those who wanted to be masters had to rather serve, I believe that was a perfect description of director, service to humanity. I was shocked to see him serve his guests himself at his home when he had a large household staff but rather served everyone no matter the age. When I mentioned this to a friend he said he saw him arranging chairs at Mr Francic Twum's (Graceland) of blessed memory funeral.
I believe he had an inclination towards the National Democratic Congress but was once called upon to mediGracelandin the New Patriotic Party at the regional headquarters. He transcended political parties, he was just a unifier and a very good statesman.
I know Director would be an inspiration to generations and even those unborn because of his contributions as a legacy to Berekum in particular and humanity in general.
He indeed paid fully his dues to humanity and shall always be remembered.
As Julius Caesar said, Director, you came, you saw and you conquered. Today, we celebrate you because you were a shining example of grace, courage, dignity and humility. You were so unique in whatever conquered sense of duty and diligence, your penchant for details and excellence, abhorrence for mediocrity, the courage to succeed and all that you stood for and taught humanity, are deeds that are like monuments built with memories instead of stone.
We mourn you not just because of your departure but rather because you had lived on a bit longer to see how blessed you have been and to enjoy the fruits and recognition of the Almighty God's reward for the seeds because own, the theffoundationou laid and commitment to His calling.
We can only say a very big thank you to the Almighty God for giving you to us the period He did and thank you also for obeying and fulfilling your Father's will.
'You fought the good fight, you have finished the race, you have kept the faith
Finally, there is laid up for you the crown of righteousness which the LORD, the righteous judge, will give to you on that Day 2 Tim 4: 7 - 8 a.
Director, we pray that He keeps you till we meet again but your legacy lives on, you shall always be part of us.
DiDayor; then you once again
Apraku Darteh; sleep well
Akekas3m: may peace rest with you.
By Nana Oppong Boateng Darteh II, Dabehene, Bkm Trad. Area & Chairman, BC & A.
Source: Alrich24newsgh.com
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