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As part of his annual greetings, the global chairman of Berekumman Citizens Association, Mr Kofi Kyere has extended his new year message to the members of Berekumman Citizens Association both home and abroad.
All too soon another year has come to an end and I take this opportunity to wish all of us a fulfilling New Year.

Last year at this time we issued an annual overview of what we intent to do this year 2019 and it is pertinent that we reassess ourselves and evaluate our successes and shortcomings

We mentioned the appointment of executives to run the various chapters of the Association which we have been able to do including supplementing and strengthening the Berekum Executives

At this time last year there were no executives in UK, Canada,Spain and Switzerland among others.

We set up subsequent targets in lie with building a toilet facility as well as enacting a constitution and running elections either to confirm or change the existing executives.

These two targets have not been met.
Constitution and elections

Regarding the constitution we are going to make sure that it is done and elections run to pave way for others to assume leadership roles in the Association. Considering the fact that we are all heading towards a 2-year term consensus for our elected executives I would propose to our executives that elections be held at least by the middle of 2019 and the new leaders could stand by and assume office in December, all the while working in the shadows of the current ones.

We have met stiff opposition concerning the toilet project due to political interests and we intend to press on with the Traditional Authorities to achieve this aim. We need to fight to change the existing de-facto arrangement where political parties run public facilities and keep the profits while we dig deep into our own pockets to complete boreholes, purchase human incubators, run health screening projects, and erect structures for the poor children of Anyinasu to have school, at least.

This is totally unacceptable and we would fight to change it. If that is what pertains in the whole of Ghana, let Berekuman make history by fighting against this corrupt system.

We all talk about common funds but is anyone thinking of the massive profits that is made on monthly basis on public toilets and the whereabouts of these fund?

If individuals can operate these public toilets why are they changing hands among party faithfuls depending on which party is in power?

We would fight until these two things happen, namely,

1. the people manage these facilities for their own benefit

2. hold those managing them to account.

Grassroot organising

In this new year we are going to work to establish chapters in all constituencies as well as villages in Berekum. Organizing the people is quite an expensive venture but very crucial to our effectiveness.

For instance the Koraso or Jinjini or Senase chapter should be able to take up issues like sanitation and security in their localities so that these places do not get out of hand as Berekum has now.

We intend to buy at least 2 motorbkes for our organizers to help in this grassroot organizing.

In lie with this objective I would propose the appointment of constituency chairmen/chairpersons in the dispora. For instance we would need a chairman for the Senase chapter, Brenyekwa, Amangoase etc. I believe a native of each locality working hand in hand with the locals would enhance the outlook of the chapters. It would also bring out issues in these localities to the Association. May we remember that almost all of us have properties outside of Berekum proper. It is in our interest to be concerned with the sanitation and security issues of these areas.

Traditional Authorities
Plans are on the ground to engage Nananom in all our endeavours in Berekum by the nomination of a working group comprising Professors Obeng Ofori and Awuah Nyamekye and Mr John Damoah of the UK to present our issues to Nananom. We hope their circle would be increased to liaise between the Association and Nananom.

Accounts and Funding.
Our brothers in charge of our records would present the annual statement of our accounts as soon as the December statement is released.

I take this opportunity to commend all those who have paid their registration dues and annual dues to keep us running.

Conventional records indicate that only about 25% of members registered on the various platform have met their financial obligations. That is not good news and it becomes worse when appointed executives fall into this category.

It is just fair that we all contribute to spread the financial burden. It is hoped 2019 would see more people registering and paying their dues.


We have in course of the year effected many unplanned projects which have cost us much money but these are all human-centred projects which have put smiles on the faces of people and changed lives. And we should be proud of them.

Our planned,executed and ongoing projects include:

1. Office and decoration

2. Road markings

3. Tree planting

4. Health screening (diabetes, hepatitis B, blood pressure).

5. Drug abuse awareness

6. Distribution of exercise books.

 7. Completion of 4 out of 10 discarded boreholes

8. Incubators and Breast -I

In the category of spontaneous projects are breast cancer screening and the Anyinasu school building project.

These projects have also enhanced our status, made us to be recognised as players on the local front. Is something we have to continue to try to do until we become a force to reckon with.

To widen our funding net we also need the names of individuals who may not have much time for platform activities but would gracefully donate to a project when called upon. We are still waiting for names and contacts both in Ghana and the diaspora.

The Association was inaugurated in August 2018, culminating in one of the biggest durbars of recent memory in the Berekum Traditional Area.

The programme showcased the Association to the local population with an appeal for funds instituted for the construction of a health centre to supplement the Holy Family Hospital. Pledges made and amount realised would be published in our annual statement.

In spite of the challenges associated with the short period of preparation it was judged to be a success and any subsequent homecoming activities would draw on all the challenges encountered to make it better.

By the grace of God Berekuman has grown into the game and 2019 promises to be better in terms of membership expansion, projects and socio-economic impact in the Berekum Traditional Area.


Kofi Kyere-Global Chairman

Story by Opamago Paparichy (Rev), Ghana Berekum B/A


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